
Intramurals is an opportunity for students at Brookswood to play soccer, basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, pickleball, badminton and more in a casual and fun lunchtime environment.  Students sign up in teams, and play tournament-style.

Typically, the schedule for Intramurals is as follows:

Fall – Volleyball, World Cup Soccer, 3 on 3 Basketball

Winter – Buckets, Dodgeball

Spring – Buckets, Badminton/Pickleball, Handball

Staff/Student competitions occur throughout the year. 

Come out and enjoy some casual sport, and cheer on your friends!



Brookswood Secondary School | École Secondaire

20902 - 37A Avenue, Langley
BC, V3A 5N2
Phone: 604-530-2141
Fax: 604-530-5132